
Steve Dougherty imageHello, I’m Steve Dougherty, the creator of these videos.

Thank you for taking the time to check things out and if you’ve purchased from me then thank you for your business also.

You are in good hands when it comes to the training videos on this site. Whether you are wanting to resell them or just learn from them, these high quality training videos are a great investment.

In case you do not know who I am, here is a little background:

In the late 1980’s through 2004 I helped people find places to live with my Real Estate offices. Beginning in 2006 I began teaching myself the technical side of this thing called Internet Marketing.

In 2008 I create my website & business called PLR Video Direct and have been creating training videos ever since.

If you have questions, suggestions or comments, please let me know & you’ll hear back from me as soon as possible – usually within a couple hours – 24 hours tops.

You can reach me by clicking here or the Contact Us link in the top navigation menu.

Thank you and have a great day.

– Steve Dougherty

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