FINALLY, Master The FREE & Powerful S2Member WordPress Membership Plugin
Learn Step-By-Step
How To Put Together A WordPress Membership Site Using S2Member & Other FREE Plugins.
Dear Fellow Internet Entrepreneur,
You know that having a recurring income from membership sites are an important part of any entrepreneurs business portfolio, but the setup costs can be outrageous!
Speaking of expensive..
If you are a website seller that creates & sells WordPress membership sites, then try finding a powerful & secure membership script that you can pass onto your clients that will not cost you an arm & a leg.
The answer to those sky-high costs is the FREE S2Member Framework plugin that is an add-on to the FREE WordPress website building platform.
Don’t Waste A Single Cent On Insanely Overpriced Membership Scripts, Instead…
“Discover How To Setup & Manage Your Own Membership Site, Securely And 100% For FREE!”
You probably already know how profitable a well run Membership site can be.
So if you are here expecting a 1000 words telling you why you need to create a Membership site then you are in the wrong place.
What you might not know is that you can setup a Powerful & Secure Membership site on WordPress FOR FREE!
The S2Member Framework FREE Plugin is one of the most powerful Membership scripts online – Did I mention it is FREE?
If you are one of the thousands of WordPress users that are familiar with the FREE S2Member plugin, then you already know it is a feature rich membership script BUT…
You Can Quickly Get Overwhelmed
- difficult to setup the advanced features – S2Member Is A Powerful, Feature Rich Membership Plugin. – The EZ WP Membership videos walk you through the advanced features as well as the basic setups.
- tutorials are NOT newbie friendly – Even when you locate quality tutorials you cannot understand what they are talking about unless you have a PHD in computer science. – The EZ WP Membership videos are GEEK-SPEAK-FREE & made with the novice in mind.
- tutorials ASSUME you know more than you actually do – Many tutorials leave out important details because they think you should already know them – The EZ WP Membership videos leave no techie stone un-turned. I show you what needs to be done AND why I did it that way for a deeper & more complete understanding of what is being taught.
Not wanting to totally give up on the product protection power of S2Member, you likely just use the basics & then never benefit from all the many features the S2Member plugin has to offer.
I’m here to change that.
Let me introduce you to EZ WP Membership with S2Member.

Step-By-Step S2Member Setup
Entire Setup & Test Process Right Before Your Eyes.
These ‘Over-The-Shoulder’ style step-by-step training videos average around 5 minutes in length so they are easy to consume & quick to put in use.
Here is a little of what EZ WP Membership Videos have to offer:
- You will discover frustration-free code setup for the S2Member plugin. I show you step-by-step PLUS give you copy & paste code snippets.
Watch me -> Copy -> Paste -> Done! - How to prepare your WordPress site for the S2Member plugin
- Connecting your S2Member site with Amazon S3 & CloudFront for added speed & security
- You will watch me install & configure other FREE WordPress plugin to make your site even more functional
- You can take the lessons on the go. You receive the MP3 audio files AND the video transcripts.
S2Member & I Have A History
I’ve been using S2Member in a few of my WordPress sites since late 2011 but only the basics of S2Member.
I just never found the time to dive in and learn how to get more out of S2Member than just the basic settings.
One of my long-time Customers kept asking me about doing a set of training videos on creating a WordPress Membership site & several months ago I finally had the time.
So over the last 4 to 5 months I’ve been learning how to squeeze more out of an S2Member site than just putting up secured post and pages & PayPal buttons.
I knew S2Member had a lot to offer but my goodness, I was like a kid in a candy store with everything I was learning about S2Member.
Not only is it FREE but you also get the source code to the plugin, meaning if you are a programmer you can customize the code to make it do whatever your imagination can come up with.
You might be surprised to learn some people have done just that and charge upwards of $300 for what they created from the S2Member Framework source code.
Now I’m NOT A PROGRAMER so these S2Member training videos are GEEK-SPEAK-FREE Video Guides.
They are newbie friendly and leave no technical stone unturned.
If you are brand new to WordPress & S2Member then you will be able to follow along easily and just do as I do.
If you are NOT NEW to WordPress and / or S2Member but simply want to learn more, then some of this you will be familiar with already & you will move along even quicker to creating your own Powerful & Secure S2Member Membership site.
Here is a sample video that contains snippets of a few videos in this series. This will let you hear and see the quality you are about to download onto your computer.
(If this page has been open more than 15 minutes, you might get an error when you click the video to play – just refresh your browser & you’re good to go)
1. Series Introduction – Video 01 gives a brief description of the different videos in this series.
Running Time 4:35
2. Site Preparation – Video 02 details the different steps I take in setting up a newly installed WordPress site. Things like which WP Theme I’m using, adjusting the permalinks and what to watch out for when doing this & much more.
Running Time 6:32
3. Plugins-Install & Configuration – In Video 03 I install & configure the plugins that we will be using in this setup. Much of the configuration of the S2Member plugin takes place in the other videos in this series.
I also demo a super fast way to install these plugins.
Running Time 8:54
4. Required Pages – Video 04 covers the minimum required pages as well as the additional pages I’ll be using in this set of videos like the Legal pages, Contact page Customized Login page & more.
I also show you a cool & very fast way to create these pages.
Running Time 5:06
5. S2Member General Options – In Video 05 we cover the S2Member General Options page and you follow along as I make the different adjustments to the various settings & why I make them.
There are a couple of important suggestions that you should highly consider as well.
Running Time 5:57
6. Custom Registration & Login Form – I almost broke Video 06 into two different videos because it covers both customizing the Login Form (up to the 7 minute mark) AND the Registration Form. But since both forms are so closely related, I decided to keep it as a single video.
Running Time 11:13
7. PayPal Options – Video 7 will show you how to setup your PayPal options using the PayPal Sandbox which is used to test your payment process without using your own money.
I demo using the PayPal Sandbox in one of the other videos. So not only are you seeing how to set things up, you are seeing how they work as well.
Running Time 7:24
8. Restriction Options Part 1 – S2Member is all about restricting access to files & content on your site. Videos 08, 09, 10 & 11 will detail some of the different ways S2Member protects your files & content from unauthorized access.
In video 08 I give a solid overview of the different possible Restrictions and how to put some of them to use.
Running Time 6:52
9. Restriction Options Part 2 Alternative View Restrictions – In Video 09 you will see what the Alternative View Restriction is and I explain that in some cases you will want this & in others you will not.
Running Time 4:07
10.Restriction Options Part 3 URI Restriction – Video 10 shows you how to put the URI Restriction feature to use on your S2Member protected site.
This allow you to restrict access to entire sections of your site. This works great if you want to make a forum on your site available to only certain paid (or even FREE) levels of your S2Member site.
You can even make certain sections of that Forum available to different S2Member levels – powerful stuff.
Running Time 6:17
11.Restriction Options Part 4 – In Video 11 you will see my favorite restriction option, the Shortcode Conditional.
The S2Member Shortcode Conditional has a ton of uses & you see me put several of them to the test throughout these videos.
Running Time 4:49
12.File Download Options-Basic Setup – Like I said earlier, S2Member is all about protecting your site files and content form unauthorized access. In the previous videos 08 – 11, you learned about restricting access to your sites content (post, pages, categories, tags…).
In videos 12 through 16 you will discover how to protect your sites files.
Video 12 will go through the setup process required to protect the files on your S2Member site.
Running Time 10:55
13.File Download Options-Advanced – Video 13 shows you how to use (and be careful of..) the Advanced Download Restriction feature of S2Member.
This feature has a good & a bad side. The good is it produces time expiring URLs that are also locked to the IP address of the person that clicked on the URL. This prevents that URL from being passed around and it will expire in 24 hours.
But like I said, it also has a bad side.
Running Time 9:36
14.File Download Options-Level Access – In Video 14 you’re going to learn how to restrict access to a file based on a particular S2Member Level. Not by having that files URL on a Post or Page that is restricted.., but by restricting the URL of the file itself.
This allows you to put that files URL anywhere on your site, and when someone clicks on that URL, they will have to be logged into that files ‘Level’ or they cannot access it.
And some other pretty cool stuff also.
Running Time 4:32
15.File Download Options-Inline – Video 15 explains what an Inline File is and how to make the proper adjustments based on your particular wants & needs.
For example, if you have PDFs for your members, when they click on the PDF URLs, do you want that PDF to begin downloading or do you want it to open in their browser? Video 15 shows you how.
Running Time 3:17
16.File Download Options-Remote – Video 16 shows you a feature I’ve not seen on ANY other membership script. This is called ‘Remote Header Authorization’ & it allows you to send out restricted file URLs to anyone and when they click on the URL a login box pops up asking them to enter their membership username & password.
In the video I demo this by pasting the restricted file URL in an email I send to myself and I show you that when I click on that URL within that email, a login box pops up asking for my username & password to the membership site that file originated from.
It is features like this that makes it very difficult for me to believe that S2Member is a FREE WordPress plugin.
Running Time 4:37
17.Amazon-S3 – Video 17 shows you how to add the speed and power of Amazon S3 to your S2Member site – & why you might need it.
I’ve been using Amazon S3 for many years so I also pass on to you a few tips & tricks to save you time in your setup process.
Running Time 8:05
18.Amazon-CloudFront – S2Member makes it super simple to connect your S2Member powered site to Amazons CloudFront service.
CloudFront is a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that when configured with a website, it basically turbocharges the speed at which the site loads in peoples browser.
Without S2Member, this configuration process is a pain in the backside & time consuming.
With S2Member, this configuration process is literally a few clicks of your mouse and it is done! I take you through the setup steps and I show you how to find your key pairs as well as how to create new ones.
Running Time 6:15
19.Amazon-RTMP & Disable CloudFront – In video 19 I talk about what RTMP protocol is and why I suggest against using it. I also point out where you can learn more about using it if you decide to go ahead with it anyway.
You also learn how to disable & re-activate Amazon CloudFront if you find the need to do so.
Running Time 3:29
20.Amazon-Video Player – Since I am not using the RTMP for video playing, in Video 20, you will discover a FREE video player that works with Amazon S3, CloudFront AND maintains all the S2Member security features we’ve put into place. It also works in all major web browsers.
You are going to watch me install, activate and configure this FREE WordPress plugin then demo the player just to make sure everything is working.
Running Time 7:10
21.Custom Capabilities-Packages – In video 21 we will cover how S2Member takes the WordPress capabilities up a notch. S2Members Custom Capabilities allows you to restrict access to both Content (posts, pages…) & Files in so many ways.
Video 21 shows you how you to use Custom Capabilities with the Content or ‘Packages’.
By default, S2Member Framework has a maximum of 5 Levels – 1 Free Level & 4 Paid Levels. In video 21 I show you how you can create an unlimited number of Levels by using Custom Capabilities.
Running Time 5:02
22.Custom Capabilities-Files – Similar to video 21, this video will cover Custom Capabilities only in this video we go into restricting access to Files instead of Content, using Custom Capabilities.
I demo using this feature on files I have in both the S2Member secure sub-directory (as we covered in Video 14) & in the Amazon S3 buckets.
Running Time 3:56
23.PayPal Buttons – Video 23 goes through the different PayPal button options. You will learn how to create a buy now button, a subscription button, an auto upgrade or modification button & even an auto downgrade or cancellation button.
Plus you’ll see how they are created for the different Levels and Custom Capabilities.
Running Time 3:36
24.Login Welcome Page-Setup & Customize – Video 24, 25 & 26 will cover a few different ways you can setup the required Login Welcome Page.
In videos 04 & 05 we talked about the Login Welcome Page and that it is the ‘landing’ page for your members when they log into your S2Member powered site.
In Video 24 I show you just one of the several ways you can set this important page up AND give you some additional suggestions on other options.
Running Time 3:00
25.Login Welcome Page-Shortcodes – I mentioned earlier that the S2Member Shortcodes are a powerful tool and in Video 25 you will see how you can use them in customizing your S2Member Login Welcome Page even further.
You will see that using Shortcodes allows you to add every possible products access URL to the Login Welcome Page BUT when someone logs in, they will ONLY see the product URLs that they’ve purchased.
Because of the S2Member Shortcodes, the other URLs are invisible.
I demo the entire process PLUS provide you with a ‘copy & paste’ template of the codes I use in the demo. You simply copy the template I supply & paste it on your Login Welcome Page and you have exactly what is shown in the video.
Running Time 7:00
26.Login Welcome Page-Redirect – In videos 24 & 25 you learned a couple ways to customize the Login Welcome Page and what is shown to the Member when they get there.
In Video 26 you will see how to customize the Login Welcome Page so that a DIFFERENT page shows up depending on who is logging in.
This feature allows for a more customized & personal feel for your Members.
Running Time 7:37
27.Automatic Level Upgrades – Video 27 walks you through the process of creating what is called a Modification Button. As the title says, this allows the Member to ‘automatically’ upgrade (or downgrade) themselves from one Level to another.
There are Pro’s & Con’s to this feature & I cover them for you, so you’ll know if you want to use this feature or stay away from it.
Running Time 5:56
28.Disable Incremental Level Access – In Video 28 I show you what Incremental Level Access is and how you can disable it if you want / need to.
There are both Pro’s & Con’s to having the default Incremental Level Access in place as well as disabling it & we detail each in video 28.
Running Time 4:31
29.Custom Denied Level Access Notice – MOP Vars – MOP Vars stands for Member Options Page Variables. This cool feature allows you to customize the experience the person has when they try unsuccessfully to access protected content.
In Video 29 you will learn how this works and how to set things up so not only will the people know why they were denied access, but what is required to gain access.
This will likely generate additional sales – KA-CHING!
Running Time 5:32
30.Membership Setup 1-Drip Fed – In videos 30 through 36 we are taking much of what was taught in the previous videos along with a few more tricks & techniques and put together a specific Membership Scenario.
Video 30 will detail how to setup a drip feed system within your S2Member site. This can look complicated but all you have to do is follow along with the video & use the INCLUDED COPY & PASTE TEMPLATE and it will be a breeze.
In case you are not familiar with what a drip fed system can do.., basically it allows you to automatically give content to a Member on a timed basis. For example, in this demo I have 12 products and they are loaded into the drip feed system so product 1 is auto delivered immediately after the first monthly payment.
Product 2 is auto delivered only after the Member has been subscribed for 30 days then product 3 at 60 days, product 4 at 90 days and so on.
If at any time the Member stops making payments or cancels the membership then everything stops. This is a powerful & hands-free feature that is only found in the best of Membership Scripts.
Running Time 5:25
31.Membership Setup 2-Fixed Term PayPal Buttons – One of the other items in this ‘Membership Scenario’ is that I set it up as a 12 month fixed-term membership. Meaning that the Member only makes 12 payments and they are no longer billed to gain access to the purchased product / Level.
This is not a ‘default’ option in the S2Member PayPal button creation process so I walk you through how to create this custom payment button – It’s Easy Once You Know How
Running Time 7:22
32.Membership Setup 3-Welcome Page – In this video you will learn how to configure the Login Welcome Page very similar to what we did in video 25 only this time we’re adding a little something extra.
Running Time 5:33
33.Membership Setup 4-JVZoo Part 1 – There are several ways to setup the payment page on your S2Member site. In the next few videos I’ll show you how to put together a static sales page, connect it to a 3rd party affiliate service & then do a test purchase to make sure everything works flawlessly.
Video 33 is where you will learn how to setup the static sales page. You still need to have your Member Options Page but this method gives you more possibilities for generating free traffic and more sales by way of the affiliates from JVZoo.
Running Time 5:18
34.Membership Setup 4-JVZoo Part 2 – Video 34 goes into detail to show you how to configure the JVZoo settings & connect it to your S2Member site. All with step-by-step simplicity.
We are also creating a JVZoo payment button & placing it on our sales page.
Running Time 7:29
35.Membership Setup 4-JVZoo Part 3 – In Video 35 we will put our settings to the test by clicking on the JVZoo payment button and going through the entire payment process.
If everything works as it is supposed to, we will have a password auto-generated for us & we will receive all the proper emails containing our S2Member sites login credentials. (spoiler alert… It Works Perfectly)
Running Time 5:20
36.Membership Setup-5-Members Option Page – Video 36 shows you another method of generating sales. This method involves NOT using a static sales page but setting things up so your traffic is sent to your Members Option Page where your PayPal buttons are located.
This is just one of many ways you can set things up so your sales are generated from your Members Option Page. Hopefully this video will help you come up with even more ideas.
Running Time 3:40
The MP3 audio files and the video transcripts so you can read and listen to the training ‘on-the-go’. You can also use the transcripts to edit the voiceover and even translate into different languages. PLUS, several Copy & Paste templates and code snippets to remove any lingering learning curves. I’m also including a marketing package that contains: Matching sales page & download page for your Customers Bonus Matching eCover, Video Box eBook graphics along with the PSD files so you can edit the graphics if you want to. Bonus Matching Banner Graphics 125×125, 160×600, 250×250, 468×60 & 728×90 along with the PSD files so you can edit the graphics if you want to. Unbranded Sales Video Just Like The One On This Page Along With The PowerPoint Slides In Case You Want To Edit Them. Unbranded Sample Video Just Like The One On This Page A Giveaway Report, Squeeze Page & Pre-Sale Follow up Emails that you place your sales page URL in, and add to your autoresponder program Quizzes & Checklists – PDF, Microsoft Word & OpenOffice odt formats Both The Authentic Private Label License Document That You Keep & The User License Document You Pass To Your Customers. Here is a SAMPLE copy of your Private Label Rights License: |

“This looks like another fantastic White Label PLR product Steve, what else can I do with this in addition to making powerful & secure WordPress Membership sites”?
These are brandable private label rights videos so you can do ONE, SOME, ALL or a combination of the following & begin generating money right away…
- The Obvious One – Use these videos & the included copy & paste templates to create your S2Member Powered Membership site & sell monthly access to the training videos. Drip Feed The Done-For-You content or sell total access for a premium.
- Use the included Marketing Package & Sell The Web-Ready Videos As They Are RIGHT NOW!
- Edit or customize the graphics (PSD files included) for your own ‘look’. Then you can market to multiple niches looking to build S2Member Powered Membership sites.
- Convert the transcripts into an eBook PDF and sell as a low ticket item with the videos as a high ticket upsell. You can create a sales funnel with some of the included Bonus items that come with Master Resell Rights, use them as your front end offer and the videos as your upsell.
- Add the videos to another PLR set of similar videos (White Label PLR Videos Volume 03, Volume 08 & Volume 13) and sell as a Monster Money Making Product.
- Create DVDs and sell as a physical product on Amazon and eBay.
- Add check lists, mind maps & other complimentary content and after creating DVDs you can package this set into a high ticket home study course.
With a little imagination you can come up with several more golden opportunities like using the transcripts to re-record the audio and combine or split up some of the videos…
Remember that these are just a few ideas AND you are NOT LIMITED on how many of these you do!
Check Out What My Previous Customers Think:

When you download, watch and apply what you’ve learned from these S2Member Video Tutorials, it’s virtually impossible to fail!
As you can see, everything you need to learn how to master the S2Member WordPress Plugin is at hand,
You just have to reach out and grab it!
And there’s more….
Say yes to the S2Member Training Videos and receive…..
FREE Complimentary Bonuses
⇒Included These In Your Own Membership Site Content ⇐

I made these 3 videos to show you how to setup & use the PayPal Sandbox testing feature.
While using the Sandbox feature of PayPal allows you to test your products purchase process, it doesn’t always work properly. So in addition to showing you how to setup your Sandbox account, I also show you how to ‘work around’ these problems.
Resell Rights Included

This eBook covers many of the basics to creating a successful Membership site. A great compliment to the S2Member Training Videos.
Basics like Obtaining Web Hosting, Registering a Domain Name, Getting Content for your membership site as well as marketing your membership site.
Resell Rights Included

Another fantastic compliment to the S2Member Training series.
Here are just a few of the items covered in this quick read eBook:
♥How to price your site for maximum membership … as well as maximum profits! ♥ One of the biggest mistakes beginning online marketers make and how to avoid it and ensure you start your membership site off on the right – and profitable – foot! ♥ How to choose a red-hot niche for your membership site! ♥ The three main stages of building a membership site and how to excel at each of them! ♥ How to use affiliates to make sure your membership site launch is an amazing success!
Resell Rights Included

These S2Member Training videos take care of the mechanics of your Membership Script and now with these bonuses, you have a Total Package!
This Insiders Secrets eBook is another quick read yet it fills in whatever blanks that may have existed with the others.
Here are just a few items covered:
♦ What all membership sites MUST HAVE in order to be truly successful … and how you can get it! ♦ Five key ways to bring in new memberships and explode your site’s profits! ♦ How to settle on a winning focus for your site and then use that focus to leave your competition in the dust! ♦ How to quickly and easily stock your site with great content and products that people will be dying to get there hands on … without spending a fortune or doing all the hard work yourself! ♦ Plus Much More!
Resell Rights Included

BONUS #6 (Personal Use License)
HUGE BONUS video on How To Edit Your PLR Videos
Here is a training class on how you can take full advantage of your PLR Videos and the accompanying transcripts.
You are receiving over 50 minutes of detailed training in 7 video segments. With the video table of contents you can quickly navigate to the section you need to review.
Each segment is a ‘look-over-my-shoulder’ style of teaching so you actually see these techniques being done and not just reading about someones ideas in a PDF.
Just some of what you will discover in this bonus training:
How to easily alter the existing audio with FREE tools
How to add opening & closing screens with FREE tools
How to add your own watermark
How to create a PDF eBook from the transcripts
How to add CLICKABLE Links ONTO the videos
This bonus training alone is worth the small fee of the entire brandable S2Member training course!

So, How Much For All For This, Steve?
So how much is it going to cost me to get my hands on these 36+ over-the-shoulder-style S2Member Training Videos? That is a fair question considering that these S2Member Training Videos reveal the exact same tips, tricks & techniques that you’d expect from a $200 to $1,000 one on one coaching session.
With these over-the-shoulder style videos, it is just like I was there sitting at your computer with you but with these videos, you will not have to pay the one on one coaching costs. Right now you can grab your White Label PLR version of the S2Member Training Videos for a one time payment of just $57.00.
Plus I’ve removed all the risk from the equation with my…
100% Iron Clad 30-Day Money Back
Satisfaction Guarantee!

When you purchase the S2Member Training Videos, you will have a full 30 days to review the entire course & the contents to ensure your satisfaction.
I am 100% confident you will be absolutely delighted with everything you are about to discover…
But just in case… you are fully covered by my iron clad, no quibbles Money-Back Policy, which means if you are not totally delighted with this program you will get a prompt and courteous refund.
If you keep doing what you’re doing right now, you’ll only be successful at getting the same results over and over again.
If you’re ready to start getting the results you really want – now is the time to take control of your situation. My S2Member Video Tutorials are the fastest, easiest and the best video series available today to master the S2Member Framework plugin. Best of all – they are covered by a 100% money back guarantee, so if you are not 100% satisfied – you get 100% of your money back!
With a guarantee that simple – what are you waiting for?
All I will ask from you is to give it a genuine try – how easy is that?
If you’re ready to give it a go –
Then don’t wait any longer – you can
Risk-Free Acceptance Form
Steve Dougherty & PLR Video Direct
PS: Remember your purchase of the White Label PLR package of the S2Member Training Videos are covered by a 100% money back guarantee – so you risk nothing if it doesn’t live up to your expectations.
PPS: Once in a lifetime opportunities present themselves at times when we least expect them – and right now this opportunity of a lifetime is staring you right in the face.. You just have to take a hold of it with both hands and go for it!
Learning to master the S2Member Framework plugin just doesn’t get any easier than this. You AND Your Customers Will Love Them!
Don’t waste another second wondering ‘what if’ – say ‘why not’..
ACT NOW and start making the ‘what-if’ into a reality!
We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services. S2Member, WebSharks, is not associated with nor – All names of products and/or services mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.